Portfolio > Original artwork - Matters of Conscience series

climate change rising seas copenhagen museum kunst
Summer Evening at the National Gallery (Climate Change IV)
Acrylic spraypaint on canvas

This is the fourth painting in the climate change series. While several of the socio-political issues addressed in my artworks are organic to the U.S., many of them are global issues, for example, women's rights, the wealth gap, immigration and climate change. In describing Rising Seas I mentioned that low-lying areas such as Washington, D.C. were at risk to increasing sea levels. There are dozens of international cities equally, if not more, at risk. One such city is Copenhagen which encouraged me to make it, specifically Denmark's National Gallery, the backdrop for a second painting highlighting the consequences of rising sea levels. The figures were, fittingly, appropriated from Dutch artist Peder Severin Kroyer's 1893 painting entitled Anna Ancher and Marie Kroyer on the Beach at Skagen.